Conversations with Changemakers: Anusha Couttigane

Meeting the Changemakers….

Those that inspire me, certainly demonstrate the skills set, ethics and leadership style to succeed during and post covid - 19.

Harveen Gill interviews…. Anusha Couttigane

My short monthly interview sessions focus on an individual who is known to me, has a connection to fashion / retail and whom I personally admire.  In April, I am delighted to share my interview of Anusha Couttigane.  

Listed as one of Drapers 30 Under 30 Rising Stars of the Fashion Industry 2018, Anusha is one of Kantar’s leading experts in the fashion field, covering everything from cut-price clothing to luxury labels.

Leading a new vertical in Kantar’s Consulting practice, her work involves tracking all the latest trends in fashion, from mass market offerings to luxury strategies, and her expertise extends to digital drivers, Clicks-to-Bricks strategies, new routes to market and Artificial Intelligence in fashion retailing. Anusha is responsible for steering Kantar’s thought leadership in the fashion space, with recent publications such as Value, Values & Vogue in WPP BrandZ’s Global Top 100 report. She also leads the development of Kantar’s New Retail Calendar solution, helping clients navigate the cultural collateral essential to cracking new markets and demographics.

How did we meet?

HGA Group was sponsoring the Drapers Awards at the Drapers Awards Dinner in Nov 2018, for which Anusha was one of the judges. Both Anusha and I were presenting awards; naturally I introduced myself to all of the other Award Presenters, however it was wonderful to see Anusha wearing a sari and I cannot remember a Sari adorned guest at Drapers Awards – despite attending for over 20 years!  Anusha and I meet every 3 months or so, usually with Miya Knights (as featured in Conversation with Changemakers in Jan 2020), we are extending our circle and inviting other “Changemakers” to join us for dinner in April.  

What is your current role?

I am the Principal Fashion Analyst at Kantar and cover the EMEA region.  My role is to identify and investigate the latest trends in fashion retail, from new store formats and retail entertainment to technology, payments and supply chain.  Our clients use these insights to help make decisions as to how to transform their businesses or help them decide how and where to grow.  We see many new technology / sustainability / partnership ideas and services being driven by start-ups, which the more established organisations are keen to partner with. 

The “new normal” disruptive nature within the retail sector and dynamic pace of change means that retailers are constantly looking for assistance.  Kantar offers a leading research and insight service, a subscription portal and a consulting service.   

“Paying it forward”

When I first started in our industry, my value system was completely different. I set out to prove my worth to the industry. Now that I’m more established, I recognise the responsibility to create a better industry and also help others and share my learnings. In cosmopolitan London, it’s easy to believe we’ve made massive progress on issues such as diversity and representation. Yet I often visit other cities on business and often find myself the only woman of colour on a panel or presenting at a conference.  I recognise how far we have to go.  It is true that many Asian parents still push their children to follow the traditional careers of law, medicine or accountancy. I abandoned the idea of a career in law at 16 and I hope I can prove that there are careers beyond these traditional ones.    

How did you get to this point in your career?

I read English and History at Oxford University.  During this time I volunteered at Oxford Fashion Studio and realised that the fashion industry was meant for me.  Fashion and Oxford University were not necessarily the best partners! After dabbling in show production and editorial I eventually entered the world of research. In 2013, the Rana Plaza disaster occurred, killing over 1100 employees. This was a huge event and has spearheaded much of my subsequent research and analysis.  I was headhunted by Kantar 4 years ago and Kantar encourages much flexibility. When it comes to routines, I am a “night owl”. Much of my work is completed after midnight. As a result most of my meetings are planned for the afternoon! This works well, given that I speak to international clients who are based in various time zones.

Who do you admire and why?

Laura Wade-Gery started the digital transformation at Marks & Spencer at the cusp of the technology revolution and then had a child in her 50’s. She’s been an explorer, an adventurer, a business leader and a board member. Laura proves that you could have your “cake and eat it!”   Laura also attended Oxford University.          

What advice would you offer to a female wanting to secure a career in market / data research?

Apply for roles, even if you do not fit all the criteria, because men are doing this.  Learn to love your industry. Data is not the most exciting subject; however, if you really love what you do, you will care about what the numbers represent.  Read as much as you can, get information from varied sources.  Talk to people that can help you shape your understanding and challenge your views.  Cultivate a holistic approach to learning. Be open minded to different opportunities.  Do not believe you have to have 1 career path for the rest of your life.  You can move from a retailer or brand into research / analysis and vice versa.

Share a Secret.

I love colour. I dress in my most colourful outfits at the beginning of the week to wake myself up, which becomes more subdued as we head to Saturday! I’m also a serial thrifter and only buy second-hand clothes!  

Harveen Gill

MD, HGA Group

April 2020


Harveen Gill